Waste Management

We strive to create an effective and responsible waste cycle, prioritizing recycling and reuse before any disposal.

Our facilities are equipped with clearly marked environmental stations, and we aim for a waste sorting rate of over 70% across all locations, with some achieving an impressive 90%.  

TESS only uses approved waste management companies and guarantees the recycling of all waste. All TESS companies are members of Grønt Punkt. 

In 2024, we are shifting our focus towards the principles of circular economy intending to significantly reduce the volume of waste that ends up in landfills.  

Our key initiatives include:  

  • Quality products with long lifespans 
  • Repairs and reuse 
  • Reduced plastic and paper use 
  • Reduced unnecessary consumption 

We actively collaborate with our suppliers to explore more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. 

At our headquarters in Lier, we have expanded and adapted several environmental stations to accommodate our production, warehouse, and office spaces, empowering all employees to contribute to minimizing residual waste. 

We take pride in our growing efforts to lessen our environmental impact and are dedicated to continually enhancing our waste management processes. By doing so, we aim to secure a sustainable future for both our organization and the communities we serve. 



If you have any questions, please contact:

Helge Guthormsen1.png
Helge Guthormsen
Head of HSE-Q and Sustainability
+47 481 36 739
Send email