SALT-X READY TO USEThe product can be applied to everything from boat engines to washing a truck. Where there is salt, Salt-X can be used.
SALT-X CONCENTRATEThe product can be applied to everything from boat engines to washing a truck. Where there is salt, Salt-X can be used.
SALT-X W/ MIXING UNITThe product can be applied to everything from boat engines to washing a truck. Where there is salt, Salt-X can be used.
CITRIC CLEANERCleaning, de-greasing, glue removal. Removes oil, grease, asphalt, tape and remnants of glue, as well as dirt.
CITRO CLEANERA powerful cleaner with solvents well suited for removing dirt on especially soiled mechanical parts.
CITRUS CLEANERCleaning, de-greasing, glue removal. Removes oil, grease, asphalt, tape and remnants of glue, as well as dirt.