EDIS SG2Together with Mig / Mag welding machines. Welding ST 52 quality steel. A copper-coated Mn / s in alloy wire for use with Ar/CO2 shielding gas.
EDIS SG2Together with Mig / Mag welding machines. Welding ST 52 quality steel. A copper-coated Mn / s in alloy wire for use with Ar/CO2 shielding gas.
MIG Cusi3Cusi3 Copper-Silicone-alloy. For welding and soldering. Welding of car bodies and galvanized sheets.
316 L SIWelding of 316 L steel. Can also be used for 304 and NB or titanium stabilized steel.AWS A5.9-93 SR 316 L SI.
WELDING WIRE MIGUTP A 34 is used for copper aluminum alloys (aluminum bronzes) with 5-9% Al, copper-zinc alloys (brass and special brass). Weld cladding on cast iron materials and steel.