Hose Replacement on Island Innovator

Bent-Ole Hilbert-Lunde, North Sea Alliance Manager, has been on a trip to TESS Canarias, assisting with the startup and quality assurance of a large and important hose replacement project involving 700 hoses on board the vessel Island Innovator. 

- TESS has significant potential in Canarias; our location fosters close and good relationships with customers, in addition to being a strategic hub for much of the offshore activity in West Africa, says Hilbert.


Selene Rodriguez, General Manager of TESS Canarias, in conversation with Jocsan Perez, project manager at TESS Canarias, and Yury Dobshykau, Site Supervisor, THM pool.


A total of 700 hoses are to be exchanged on board Island Innovator.


At TESS Canarias, we have a fantastic location with proximity to large and important customers.


From the hose workshop where hose production takes place.